Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hope's Song

I remember the moon tonight
I remember how in my fear and brokenness I cried out to her
And in her confidence and wholeness she spoke to me
She showed me the sliver of moon that hung above
She told me of how I was this piece
That I was not insufficient, just not yet complete
I would have to understand the stages, the steps
I would have to trust that there is a process
And that this, this moment was not an end in itself
Yet I must not wait to sing,
That tonight I must still sing

I will praise you in the darkness
When you are preparing to make yourself known in me
I will praise you when I am in the midst of this
When there are glimpses of hope that help me hunger for more of you yet.
I will praise you in the fullness of moon
When your presence is undeniable and your glory so visible even to my doubting stubborn human heart

I will praise you for there is no part of life where you do not dwell.

But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life." I timothy 1:16

1 comment:

lauren h. said...

i love this. and that heart that you wrote it with....inspiring!